Selected Writings

We have transcribed a few of Margaret Sanger's published articles and speeches, and will add more to this site as time permits. Any text added to the document by the Sanger Project editors (supplied dates, our reading of illegible or partially obscured words) is rendered in [square brackets and italics]. Source notes at the bottom of each transcription give information regarding the location or original publication information. The location on our microfilm edition is cited as follows: LCM (Library of Congress microfilm), MSM (Margaret Sanger Microfilm): "S" for Smith College Collections and "C" for Collected Documents).

Please note: These transcriptions have been mounted for research purposes only and the Sanger Project requests that Sanger Project URL be used when referring to any of these materials. Links may be made to our site (though we wish to be notified), but under no circumstances are the transcriptions to be copied and mounted onto another server without express permission.

Poster image from the Library of Congress, Margaret Sanger Papers.